Scholastic Book Club Issue 8

Dear SBS whanau,  It seems you enjoyed the previous Book Club issue from Scholastic, so we have chosen to participate in the final issue for the year. The flyer will be sent home with your [...]

By |2020-11-23T11:48:02+13:0023rd November 2020|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Scholastic Book Club Issue 8

Snells Beach School PTA – AGM invite

Our wonderful PTA is having their AGM this Wednesday, 25th November, from 3:15pm in the school staffroom. This will be a short, informal meeting and we encourage any parents/caregivers who are keen to help out [...]

By |2020-11-23T11:42:35+13:0023rd November 2020|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Snells Beach School PTA – AGM invite

Library books to be returned

Hi Snells Beach whanau, Please make note that all Snells Beach School library books need to be returned to school by the end of next week, Friday 27th November. This is to enable us to [...]

By |2020-11-19T09:41:28+13:0019th November 2020|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Library books to be returned

Scholastic Orders

Scholastic orders from Issue 7 are now here and ready for collection at the office. If you have gift orders or if your order was a large one (that a child will struggle to fit [...]

By |2020-11-17T10:27:29+13:0017th November 2020|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Scholastic Orders

Updates for this week

This is a reminder that tomorrow, Thursday 12th November, our Whole School Sprints take place from 10:30am onwards, starting with the Year 0's and working up. All families are welcome to attend and cheer our [...]

By |2020-11-11T14:12:40+13:0011th November 2020|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Updates for this week

Tamatea Biking School Bus Timetable Change

Hi Snells Beach School whanau, Please note we now have a Tamatea Tigers Biking School Bus operating on a Monday afternoon, in addition to the regular timetable. We would also like to extend a warm [...]

By |2020-11-11T10:23:49+13:0011th November 2020|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Tamatea Biking School Bus Timetable Change

Canceled – 11/11/2020 Yr4 Rockpooling Trip

Dear parents/caregivers, With the weather forecast predicting heavy showers, the decision has been made to cancel the Year 4 Rockpooling Trip tomorrow morning. At present there is no save day because things are so tide [...]

By |2020-11-10T14:25:02+13:0010th November 2020|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Canceled – 11/11/2020 Yr4 Rockpooling Trip

SBS Photos are online Now

The 2020 School Photos are now Online! Use the following link to get to the album: Then enter your own email address and this password to access the photos: Snells21 (It is case sensitive [...]

By |2020-11-09T12:15:16+13:009th November 2020|Uncategorised|Comments Off on SBS Photos are online Now