By Su Henry|2015-06-28T15:05:10+13:008th June 2015|What's been happening?|Comments Off on PTA FAMILY DISCO
You might have noticed,as you wandered past Nikau Block, a 1.25m tall elephant is coming to life in the shared space. This is being built by the Year 5s and 3 Year 6s to show [...]
Newsletter 5 June 2015
Tena Kotou Katoa, Talofa, Greetings to our school families This week is an exciting one as it is Year 6 Camp Week. The 'sending off' on Tuesday morning, as always, reminded me how [...]
Hexagon Frogs
We used hexagon shapes to make these frogs.
Newsletter: 22 May 2015
Tena Kotou Katoa, Talofa, Greetings to our school families Our 2014 National Standards Results will be published in July on the Education Counts Website and these are presented in summary form for you below. We [...]
School ARBOR Day Celebrations 2015
ARBOR DAY & SCHOOL PLANTING PROGRAMME FRIDAY 29 MAY 2015 REMINDER NOTICE TO PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS Kia ora everyone WHEN: Friday 29 May 1pm – 3pm WHERE: Snells Beach School You are invited [...]
We made rockets using 6 squares and a triangle.
The Hungry Giant
The Hungry Giant
Look Out
Look Out
Mufti Day
Mufti Day