Lazy Duck
A book by Kauri 2 Lazy Duck
A book by Kauri 2 Lazy Duck
7 August 2015 Tena Kotou Katoa, Talofa, Greetings to our school families Welcome to Week 3 of Term 3 everyone and what a wet one it has been. Winter is still definitely here and with it [...]
We have had fun making smarty hats. Smarty Hats
Hi all, In honour of Maori language week we have reissued our class pepeha and are working hard on learning it. Enjoy. Te Pepeha o Kauri Tuatahi
Tena Kotouatoa, Talofa, Greetings to our school families Welcome back everyone! It is has been so great to see you all this week after the holidays and although we are still not free of the flu, [...]
Please read our new book "I Can Read".I can read
On Friday 3 July our elephant, Kashin, went to the ASB Bank for her holidays. We hope she has a great time and maybe if you are passing you could pop in and see her.
Tena Kotou Katoa, Talofa, Greetings to our school families The end of another term and one that has been plagued by sickness in the form of all sorts of childhood ‘nasties’ – croup, whooping cough [...]
Kahikatea 2 came and did maths with Kauri 1. We worked really hard and it was so good.Kahikatea 2 came and did Maths with Kauri
Mid Winter Feast with Kauri 1