Newsletter 15 April 2016
Tena Kotou Katoa, Talofa, Mauri, Greetings to our school families. Hello to all the parents and caregivers This will be my last entry in the newsletter as Acting Principal which I have to admit is sad for [...]
Tena Kotou Katoa, Talofa, Mauri, Greetings to our school families. Hello to all the parents and caregivers This will be my last entry in the newsletter as Acting Principal which I have to admit is sad for [...]
Kauri 1 put on a play for our parents. Enjoy.Video Kauri 1 Play
Look at our beautiful rainbow fish RAINBOW FISH 2016
Tena Kotou Katoa, Talofa, Mauri, Greetings to our school families. Hello everybody. The end of the term is almost here. I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful well deserved Easter break for both the teachers and the [...]
Tena Kotou Katoa, Talofa, Mauri, Greetings to our school families. Hello everyone! Hard to believe that we are half way through the longest term of the year. Only four more weeks left and they will go very [...]
Tena Kotou Katoa, Talofa, Mauri, greetings to our school families. The Board of Trustees and I have been very busy compiling and sending in our School Charter and Annual Plan for 2016 to the Ministry. In [...]
We are excited to announce we have added a new jacket and beanie to our uniform range. The jackets will retail for $35, and will NOT be embroidered with any school logos, which will hopefully [...]
Kauri 2 can write anywhere I CAN WRITE 2016
Are all the children in Kauri 2 smiling? Smile! said Miss Jolliffe
Click on the link below to see our wanted poster! Wanted Poster