Manawa 1 Test Their Boat Designs

Manawa 1 and Ms McDonald traveled down to Snells Beach recently, to test if their boat designs actually floated. With reasonable success, who knows? Maybe some future America's Cup, or super yacht designers may have [...]

By |2016-08-11T12:13:13+13:0011th August 2016|What's been happening?|Comments Off on Manawa 1 Test Their Boat Designs

Celebrating Matariki

Kauri 1 had a wonderful time when Fleur from the Mahurangi East Library came to celebrate Matariki with them. We shared a Matariki story,  decorated some beautiful kakahu feathers and decorated special star biscuits. A [...]

By |2016-06-24T12:19:12+13:0024th June 2016|Kauri1, What's been happening?|Comments Off on Celebrating Matariki