Education Outside the Classroom
At SBS we believe that children learn by being hands on and involved in their environment. Classes regularly interact with our local community. For example:
Junior School and Senior School Swimming takes place at Snells Beach in Term 1. Students undertake a similar swim programme to a school with a pool, but in our local environment.
We value camps and the challenges and opportunities that they bring. Our Year 5 students go to Peter Snell Youth Village in Term 1, where they take part in bush and beach based activities.
Our Year 6 students head to Tongariro National Park in June, where they:
- go to the snow at Whakapapa Ski Field
- enjoy white water rafting on the Tongariro River
- take on the challenge of caving in the Okupata Caves
- tramp the famous Taranaki Falls track
- conquer the High Rope Challenges at Rock n Ropes Taupo
- soak in the Tokaanu Hot Pools
As a school community, we support our students to attend camps with Pizza Day Fundraisers and a Mini Gala Prior to Camp Tongariro. This reduces the cost to whānau considerably.
Trees for Survival, and DOC Planting
Our school works closely with DOC to help with the reforestation of native bush in our area. We can now walk through the bush in the first areas we planted at Scandrett Regional Park! All students in Years 4 – 6 take part in planting programmes.
Conservation Programmes
Our middle school and senior school students work hard to protect the native species in our area, engaging in programmes such as the Whitebait Connection in local streams, and predator trapping through CatchIT.