Bus & Walking Bus Information
Children who live beyond 3.2km by road of Snells Beach School will be eligible to take the bus to school (bus entitlement). Snells Beach School has several buses servicing the school:
Bus 8
Picks children up from Sandspit (Brick Bay, Puriri Place & Sandspit Rd), and brings them through to school, returning via the same route in the afternoon. This bus will, by special arrangement and so long as there is room, pick children up at the bus stops at the top of Governor Grey Rd and Tamatea Drive and return them to Muncaster Rd ONLY in the afternoon.
Bus 11
Picks children up from Scotts Landing (Charles St, Ridge Rd), Martins Bay and Algies Bay and brings them through to school, returning via the same route in the afternoon.
Walking, Scootering, Skating & Cycling
We encourage our students to walk, ride or scooter to school. Wheels must not be ridden through the school grounds before or after school, and must be stored in the bike & scooter racks next to the senior playground or the juniors racks at the end of the Library. Note: all students on wheels MUST wear helmets.
There is a patrolled crossing on Dawson Road in the mornings and afternoons and a specially constructed walkway into the school across the reserve from the end of Foster Crescent for safe access.
Walking and Riding School Buses
Walking & riding school buses are a GREAT way to get your child to school in a way that is safe & better for the environment. For more information call into the school office.