Newsletter 1 July 2016
Tena Kotou Katoa, Talofa, Mauri, Greetings to our school families. Our newly elected Board of Trustees met for the first time last week, and duly elected Jemma White as their new Chairperson, with Jarrod Dove voted into [...]
Tena Kotou Katoa, Talofa, Mauri, Greetings to our school families. Our newly elected Board of Trustees met for the first time last week, and duly elected Jemma White as their new Chairperson, with Jarrod Dove voted into [...]
Kauri 1 had a wonderful time when Fleur from the Mahurangi East Library came to celebrate Matariki with them. We shared a Matariki story, decorated some beautiful kakahu feathers and decorated special star biscuits. A [...]
Tena Kotou Katoa, Talofa, Mauri, Greetings to our school families. This term seems to have flown by - it was a little scary that our School Diary below included the "Last day for Term 2" already! Among [...]
Here are the photos and stories from our robot making day and our story of Mrs Watkin's Tub. Mrs Watkin’s tub Titiro i te karetao Look at the Robot.
Tena Kotou Katoa, Talofa, Mauri, Greetings to our school families. As I was updating the school diary this week, I was reflecting on the opportunities that our students will have over the next few weeks to get [...]
Tena Kotou Katoa, Talofa, Mauri, Greetings to our school families. It was great to catch up with so many parents and family members at our mini-gala this week, and enjoy the event that our senior students [...]
Tena Kotou Katoa, Talofa, Mauri, Greetings to our school families. Welcome back to another action packed term! A huge thank you to the parents who attended my special assembly on Monday morning as I moved into the [...]
Tena Kotou Katoa, Talofa, Mauri, Greetings to our school families. Hello to all the parents and caregivers This will be my last entry in the newsletter as Acting Principal which I have to admit is sad for [...]
Kauri 1 put on a play for our parents. Enjoy.Video Kauri 1 Play
Tena Kotou Katoa, Talofa, Mauri, Greetings to our school families. Hello everybody. The end of the term is almost here. I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful well deserved Easter break for both the teachers and the [...]