Tēnā Koutou, Talofa Lava, Malo e Lelei, Namaste, Ni sa bula, Noaia’e mauri, Fakalofa lahi atu, Kia Orana, Ni Hao, An Nyung Ha Sai Yo, Nay Ho, Hej, Hallo, Sawat Dee, Cześć, Goeie Dag, សួស្តី, Здравствуйте, hola, 안녕하세요Greetings to our school families.

I wanted to acknowledge the work our Year 5 teachers and Mr Port have been doing to prepare for Year 5 Camp this week, at Camp Bentzon on Kawau Island. Camps are a big deal for kids – the positive impacts are immeasurable, and this is why they are such an important part of life here at SBS. Camps are also a big deal for teachers, as they put in many, many hours planning for a camp that meets the needs of our students while being safe to the highest degree, and also manage their own family commitments as they are away from home for the week. Not all teachers  are prepared to take on the extra commitment of running camps – I’m always proud of the enthusiasm and commitment ours show.

Winter weather seems to have arrived in a rush over the past week. I just wanted to remind whanau that we have many SBS sweatshirts in our lost property boxes both in the Office and the Hall – please send your child to have a look if you are missing one, and name yours well. I can’t tell you how many times families have bought new sweatshirts, only to have the old one turn up somewhere the next day – named gear always gets returned.

Nga mihi,

Kathryn Ramel


School Diary

Week 5: Mon 27 May – Fri 31 May

  • Wed 29.5  Inter School Soccer 
  • Wed 29.5 Forms and Money returned for Dad’s Pies fundraiser
  • Thurs 30.5 Whole School assembly 2:00pm – Rimu 1
  • Fri 31.5  Teacher Only Day

Week 6: Mon 3 June – Fri 7 June

  • Year 6 Camp Tongariro Tues 4.6 – Fri 7.6
  • Mon 3.6  Kings Birthday
  • Weds 5.6  Visit from Kingsway Preschool to new entrant class

Week 7: Mon 10 June – Fri 14 June

  • Mon 10.6 Trees for survival Planting day
  • Wed  12.6 Conservation Group Trip to Tawharanui
  • Fri 14.6 Whole School assembly 2:00pm – Year 5 presenting

Welcome to our new students – we hope you enjoy your time at our school!

Arian C, Dalia D Harper G and Blair G

Rimu 1 Museum Trip

Miss Waterhouse and Rimu 1 had a brilliant trip to the Auckland Museum last week. They went to learn about fossils and dinosaurs, we got to hold real marine fossils. The education programme was called ‘Colossal Fossils’. Rimu 1 delved deep into the fossil remains of prehistoric life and discovered the processes of palaeontology. They got a greater appreciation for how dinosaurs have evolved, and how marine and avian reptiles differ. Tamariki got hands-on with replica dinosaur bones and observed and identified the characteristics of well-known herbivore and carnivore dinosaur species. It was great fun! Huge thanks to the parents and whanau who came along to help on the day.

Tackle Rugby and Bullrush

It has come to our attention that, over the past few weeks, a number of students have been playing tackle rugby and bullrush on the school field, when the duty teachers were not close by. This has resulted in a number of injuries, and a few niggles as students have been hurt and then retaliated verbally. This has mainly been happening among the Year 5 boys, which have been spoken to as a group, but there have been some Year 4 and Year 6 boys as well. Please, have a chat to your lads and remind them that tackle, wrestling and bullrush are a no-go at school. 

Why don’t we allow tackling at school? If your child plays tackle rugby at the Mahurangi Rugby Club they:

  • must wear a mouthguard
  • get put into weight grades with kids of similar sizes
  • always have a ref to monitor head high and dangerous tackles
  • attend pre season sessions on both how tackle and be tackled safely

Why do they do this? To prevent serious injury, in particular to the head and neck. Here at school we aren’t able to put any of the above precautions in place, and therefore are not prepared to put kids at risk by allowing tackle. This is especially important with some of the research regarding the long term impacts of head injuries coming to light. We thank you for your support with this.

Teacher Only Day – Friday 31 May

Along with other schools in our area, we will be having a Ministry of Education directed Teacher Only Day on Friday 31st May. The school will be closed for instruction on that day.

Update from our PTA

Dads Pies Fundraiser
Please return all order forms to the office and payment by 29th May.
Upcoming events to add to your calendar: 
Snells Beach School Clothing Swap is back – Wednesday 12th June
Snells Beach School Golf Day – Sunday 20th October.  $10,000 prize for a hole in one (more details to come)

Performing Arts Club

Do you have a talent that you would like to share with the school? Would you like to come and practice singing, dancing or drama? Come and join the Performing Arts Club on Wednesdays at lunchtime in the hall. A special note to parents that children will sometimes practice their performances for the school during Values Assembly. This is just for the children but we will be putting on a small performance later in the year for parents, friends and family. Thank you, Mrs Supernault.

Request for milk bottle lids from Rātā 2

We are in desperately in need of light blue and yellow top milk as you can see from our Milo picture. Please drop to the office or the classroom if you have these.

Skoolloop now available on ZERO DATA

We know that times are tough and data for your phone is expensive so we are thrilled to announce that our school app, Skoolloop, is now available on zero data.
Follow the instructions below and you will always be able to access the app, regardless of whether you have data or not. Skoolloop is a great way to receive school notices and to let us know if your child is going to be absent.

Big thanks to a local business

Yesterday we had a broken window in one of our classrooms and we were so impressed with the super service we received from Sean at Matakana Glass that we wanted to do a shoutout for his business! Thanks Sean!

Mahurangi Basketball is back!

The Mahurangi Basketball Club is back.
We will be running the Club on Tuesday afternoons from 28th May until the end of the term.
At the Mahurangi Hope Centre, Mansel Drive, Warkworth (behind The Warehouse)
This is for all levels, especially beginners who want to improve their basketball skills.
Year 1 & 2 @ 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Year 3 & 4 @ 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Year 5 & 6 @ 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Please use the Registration Form below:

Bus drivers needed