Tēnā Koutou, Talofa Lava, Malo e Lelei, Namaste, Ni sa bula, Noaia’e mauri, Fakalofa lahi atu, Kia Orana, Ni Hao, An Nyung Ha Sai Yo, Nay Ho, Hej, Hallo, Sawat Dee, Cześć, Goeie Dag, សួស្តី, Здравствуйте, hola, 안녕하세요Greetings to our school families.

It’s been great to see our first group of competitors heading off to a Zone Day Inter School Event today – Athletics. We sent a large contingent, supported by Mr Port, Mr Morley and Mr Howson, as well as a number of parents. Days like this are the highlight in schooling for many kids – I can still remember competing for Wesley Primary. It’s important with the increased emphasis on hours spent teaching core curriculum, that we don’t overlook these extra curricular opportunities. Results will be published in our next newsletter.

A big thank you to everyone who has been supporting our Pizza Days over the past few weeks. All proceeds from this fundraising are split evenly over our Year 5 camp attendees, making a big difference to the overall cost.

Ngā mihi nui,

Kathryn Ramel


School Diary

Week 7: 17th Mar – 21st Mar

  • Fri 21.3 Pizza Day fundraising for Year 5 camp
  • Fri 21.3 Full School Assembly 2:00pm – Puriri 1 performing

Week 8: 24th Mar – 28th Mar

  • Weds 26.03 Year 5 Camp
  • Thurs 27.03 Year 5 Camp
  • Fri 28.03 Year 5 Camp

Week 9: 31st Mar – 4th Apr

  • Weds 2.4 Polyfest – Pasifika students Yr 4 – 6. See seperate information. 
  • Fri 4.4 Full School Assembly 2:00pm – Kowhai 1 performing
  • Fri 4.4 PTA Disco – further details to follow

Welcome to our new students – we hope you enjoy your time at our school!

Arlo G, Amy S, Kavya S and Oscar V

Full School Sprint Results

Here’s the bragging rights for our speediest kids of 2025:

Year 1

Girls: 1st Eliza Y, 2nd Remy L, 3rd Hunter P

Boys: 1st Jordan W, 2nd Ted B, 3rd Parthu

Year 2

Girls: 1st Jamie M, 2nd Lacey R, 3rd Chloe M

Boys: 1st Cooper M, 2nd Rafe S, 3rd Arlo M

Year 3

Girls: 1st Goldie N, 2nd Mya S, 3rd Aria P

Boys: 1st Baxter T, 2nd Manawa D, 3rd Albie R

Year 4

Girls: 1st Isla K, 2nd Coco W, 3rd Ruby B

Boys: 1st Jake F, 2nd Luca H, 3rd Itinua E

Year 5

Girls: 1st Ruby E, 2nd equal Marnie M and Harper M

Boys: 1st Teddy R, 2nd Camden H, 3rd Alex M

Year 6

Girls: 1st Aria N, 2nd Ireland V, 3rd Mishka P

Boys: 1st Ngakau M, 2nd Rupert B, 3rd Kortez R

Middle School Beach Clean Up

Our Year 3 & 4 classes headed down to Snells Beach to do a clean up – and were stoked to find very little rubbish on the beach itself (well done community!). However, they did pick up a pretty mind boggling 755 pieces of rubbish on the way. Once there, they were surprised by local passionate environmentalist, and ex SBSer, Riley Hathaway from Young Ocean Explorers. Riley spent time answering lots (and lots!) of questions about the ocean. Our middle school have been taking part in the Young Ocean Explorers 21 Day Challenge “Together for our Moana”. The participants of this challenge have picked up over 70,000 pieces of rubbish in under 2 weeks! To read more about it and Young Ocean Explorers, see here:


Mihi Whakatau to welcome our latest New Entrant Cohort

Mr Port ran a brief Mihi Whakatau greeting for our new cohort of New Entrants who started this week. The highlight was definitely the chocolate biscuits, with lots of smiles as Rimu 1 & 2 welcomed their new classmates.

Are you keen to help with our Cultural Group?

Would you feel comfortable, with teacher support, coming along to teach our kids songs or dances from your culture? We would love to see a greater range of cultures recognised in our Cultural Performance Group. Not sure? Contact Miss Ramel for more information.

Keeping in touch – communication is key

Keeping in touch is important. We need to be able to contact whānau quickly and efficiently. If you have changed address or contact details, please let us know asap, either via email admin@snellsbeach.school.nz, or by calling the school office 09 425 6058. 

  • Following our school Facebook page or Instagram

“Snells Beach School”, which operate as a digital newsletters. This is a great way to get quick updates and reminders. We post reminders and notices on Facebook – Instagram is more quick updates and snapshots of school life

  • Downloading our School App

Simply download the “Skool Loop” app from either App Store or Play Store & select “Snells Beach School” from the drop down box to receive instant notifications & reminders. This is an effective way to get immediate notices – they will pop up direct to your phone. Mahurangi College use the same app which is useful – just use the drop down box to change schools.

  • Subscribing to our school email database

Please email us admin@snellsbeach.school.nz to be added to the list. If you do not receive this newsletter via email on Friday afternoon, you are NOT in our database. All new families should have been added – please check. You can unsubscribe at any time.

  • School Newsletters

We do not usually print newsletters – just the first one each term while people update their contact details if needed. They are emailed out or linked to our school Facebook page. School newsletters come out once a fortnight – teachers may send home additional class or team messages at other times.

Winter Sports Information


To register visit www.sporty.co.nz/snellsbeachnetball



Community Notices

Tutoring with Baywise 

Limited Tutoring Slots Available for Term 1!

Kickstart the school year with confidence! I have a few spots left for Maths & English tutoring for Years 3-9.
  • Strengthen foundational skills
  • Boost confidence
  • Start the year on the right foot
Don’t miss out—secure a spot today! Check out my website or message me for more details.

Toukon Ryu Karate

Classes take place every Tuesday night 6.30 – 7.30PM in the school hall.
My name is Paul Hart and I am the Founder and Chief Instructor of Toukon Ryu Karate New Zealand; affiliated to JKF (Gojukai Japanese Karate Federation). I have been involved with Martial Arts for over 35 years. I have studied Goju Ryu Karate for the past 26 years and I have been teaching a variety of students from the age of 5 through to students in their 80s!
I’m very excited to be bringing karate to the local community.
Karate is the ideal sport/activity for kids and adults alike. In today’s world it is vital that we equip ourselves, and especially our children, with self defence skills. Karate helps promotes self-confidence, balance, fitness, co-ordination, discipline, courtesy, health and wellness, responsibility, and will power. Children may start training in Toukon Ryu Karate as young as 5 years of age.
I hope to see all the students again from last year, but also all Beginners are welcome to come along and have a go. Uniforms are called a ” Gi ” pronounced ” Gee ” – parents will need to purchase one which they can do through Paul if they wish.
All other information regarding joining etc will be supplied at the class or feel free to txt Sensei Paul on 021 297 2431
FB toukon ryu karate
I look forward to seeing you
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