Tēnā Koutou, Talofa Lava, Malo e Lelei, Namaste, Ni sa bula, Noaia’e mauri, Fakalofa lahi atu, Kia Orana, Ni Hao, An Nyung Ha Sai Yo, Nay Ho, Hej, Hallo, Sawat Dee, Cześć, Goeie Dag, សួស្តី, Здравствуйте, hola, 안녕하세요Greetings to our school families.

A very warm welcome to all new members of our SBS Whānau! We will enrol our 400th student later this term – that just seems amazing to those of us who remember the days when 200 seemed like a big jump in growth. As we continue to expand to cater for our growing numbers, we continue to focus on what is most important – our kids growing in an environment where they are known, understood, and supported to become the best version of themselves.

Our new block of two classes will move into the school this term. This design will be very similar to Rimu Block, which both teachers and students find comfortable to work in. Nikau 1 students surveyed the whole school, and by popular vote, the new classes will be called Kōwhai 1 & 2.

As always, Term 3 is a busy time – keep an eye on the School Diary to track upcoming events.

Nga mihi,

Kathryn Ramel


School Diary

Week 2: Mon 29 Jul – Fri 2 Aug

  • Mon 29.7  Te Whau Planting Day – Totara 1 and Puriri 1
  • Wed  31.7  Inter School Hockey
  • Wed 31.7   Board Meeting 6:30pm
  • Fri 2.8  Mahurangi College Open Day (Parents Only – kids go Term 4)

Week 3: Mon 5 Aug – Fri 9 Aug

  • Mon 5.8-9.8 Colouring Comp in library
  • Weds 7.8 Hui for Māori Whanau
  • Fri 9.8  Whole School Assembly – Kahikatea 1 presenting

Week 4: Mon 12 Aug – Fri 16 Aug

  • Mon 12-14.8  Colouring comp in SBS library
  • Fri 16.8  Colouring Comp winners announced

Welcome to our new students – we hope you enjoy your time at our school!

Charlie B, Xavier D, Supreeth M, Sofia M, Alexander M, Parthu P, Nethuli P, Hunter P, Mikayla S, Grayson S, Litiana T, Oliver T, Sacha WB, Lennox WB
SBS Hui for Māori Whānau
This term’s value is Simplicity –  Kia Ngawari
At SBS we believe in growing character to be the best person we can be. We do this through our Living Values Programme and each term the whole school focuses on one value, which we look deeply into. This term’s value is Simplicity Kia Ngawari.

GOAL 1: To increase understanding about simplicity. 


  • To identify simple pleasures and simple things they enjoy. 
  • To enjoy playing with simple things, such as cardboard boxes. 
  • To make their own number or letter book. 

GOAL 2: To build appreciation for nature and be introduced to conservation. 


  • To understand that conservation is using what we have and not wasting the earth’s resources. 
  • To decide to do one or two things to help nature, and to carry through on the ideas.
Kahikatea Mini Camp
On Thursday 6th June, whilst the senior school was enjoying their much anticipated camps, Kahikatea block had a Mini Camp day. Our fun activities included scavenger hunts, sack races, egg and spoon races, three-legged races, cooking banana and chocolate on a fire and sledding down the hill. Our day wound down with games and toys brought from home and a delicious mug of milo with marshmallow.

SBS Epro8 Challenge
The EPro8 Challenge is the inter-school science and engineering competition.  Every year over 25,000 students from throughout New Zealand take part.
Students participate in a series of events: firstly within their school and then inter-school.   These events are designed to promote science, engineering and problem solving. Students use specialised kits with a range of components to design and build items to meet a specific brief. The best and most robust design wins. Our best Epro8 problem solvers then head off to compete at the regional events. Huge thanks to Mrs Young who does so much organisation for us to help these events take place. Congratulations to the class competition winners pictured below:
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Mahurangi College Open Day for parents only (students go in Term 4)
Occupational Therapy in school

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