Tēnā Koutou, Talofa Lava, Malo e Lelei, Namaste, Ni sa bula, Noaia’e mauri, Fakalofa lahi atu, Kia Orana, Ni Hao, An Nyung Ha Sai Yo, Nay Ho, Hej, Hallo, Sawat Dee, Cześć, Goeie Dag, សួស្តី, Здравствуйте, hola, 안녕하세요Greetings to our school families.
Next week I have an amazing opportunity to travel to Singapore for several reasons. Firstly, to meet with schools in Singapore and observe their maths programme. Our Prime maths is essentially “Singapore Maths” – we have noticed a sharp increase in achievement since implementing this structured maths approach several years ago, with an added bonus of the kids really enjoying it! I am looking forward to meeting with colleagues, in particular to discuss how we can both cater for students who require extra support in maths, and also to extend our students with strong capabilities.
Following that I have a chance to attend the World Edulead Conference, where educational leaders from all over the world come together to share stories, address challenges that we are all dealing with in education, and plan for the future. While leadership is the main focus, a secondary focus this year is AI in Education – how we can use it more effectively, but equally how we can navigate this technology safely for both our teachers and students. We can’t pretend it’s not there – we are already seeing evidence of students using AI in work or research done at home.
Exciting times – I’m really looking forward to the opportunity for my professional growth. In my absence, please feel free to contact either of our Associate Principals (Mr Trent Morley – Years 1 – 3 and Mr Kyle Port – Years 4 – 6), if you require support.
Ngā mihi nui,
Kathryn Ramel
School Diary
Week 9: 25 Mar – 29 Mar
- Tues 26: Year 5 Girls Rugby Session 9.00am – 10.00am, Year 6 Girls Rugby Session 10.00am – 11.00am
- Weds 27.3 Paid Union Meeting from 12:30pm – please see below
- Fri 29: Good Friday public holiday
Week 10: 1 Apr – 5 Apr
- Mon 1: Easter Monday public holiday
- Tues 2: Easter Tuesday school holiday
- Weds 3: Food Waste theatre show in hall – Middle School
- Fri 5: SBS Mini Gala fundraising for Year 6 camp – details below
Week 11: 8 Apr – 12 Apr
- Tues 9: Year 5 Girls Rugby Session 9.00am – 10.00am
- Year 6 Girls Rugby Session 10.00am – 11.00am
- Conservation Group Trip to Scandrett Regional Park (1.00pm-2.30pm)
- Friday 12 : Full School Assembly
- Year 5 Camp fundraising bake sale at The Warehouse
- Last day of school for Term 1
Welcome to our new students – we hope you enjoy your time at our school!
Kaiba A
Notification of Paid Union Meeting (PUM): next Wednesday 27 March from 12:30pm.
Primary teachers from kura across our area will be attending a Paid Union Meeting on the afternoon of Wednesday 27 March.
From 12:30pm on that date, SBS will be open for supervision only. What does that mean?
Parents who are able, are encouraged to pick up their children directly from class (we don’t want to hold people up, going through the office) at 12:30pm on Wednesday 27 March.
Students can also walk/ride home at this time, with written permission from parents. We will ensure that the crossing is supervised from 12:30pm – 12:45pm.
Students remaining at school will be supervised until 3:00pm. This will likely not be with their usual classroom teacher. Kelly Club and buses will run at their usual times.
Uniform Reminders
Our uniform guidelines are quite simple to make sure that they are easy for parents and students to follow. A reminder:
- no mufti sweatshirts – we have a multitude of second hand ones at the office if you need one.
- black or white socks only. Black, white or navy leggings/tights if you wish in winter.
- if you wish you child to wear an “under top’, these should either be not visible, or black, white or navy. We see little point in these – our fleeces are super warm (our kids wear them in sub zero conditions in Tongariro), and provide all the warmth kids need in winter.
- all long hair (regardless of gender) should be tied back. Primary kids have no sense of “personal space”, and this simply prevents the spread of nits and other nasties that no-one wants.
- shoes can be any sandals with a strap (ie: no jandals however crocs with the back strap on are fine) or sport shoes. Please no gumboots, ballet flats etc – kids just can’t run or do PE in those.
We will ask students to remove non uniform clothing, unless it is for a day or two, with a note, while uniform is replaced or located.
Mini Gala 2024 – All Welcome! Fri 5 April 12:30pm – 2:00pm.
Our annual Mini Gala is on it’s way! This event is totally planned and managed by our Senior Students in Years 5 & 6. The students organise and run stalls, from which all proceeds go towards lowering the cost of Camp Tongariro for our Year 6 students. The Year 5’s help, knowing that they, in turn, will be supported as Year 6’s next year. As a community, we get in behind our kids and support them to attend camp.
We would love donations of good quality second hand clothes, toys and games for our second hand stall. Please drop to either Totara Block or the office. Thank you!
This event is open to the whole family and community, and we encourage parents of younger students especially to attend. There will be:
- sausage sizzle
- smoothies and other food
- fun games
- second hand stall
- yummy baking
- raffles
Students bring pocket money to spend – please pop this in a purse, wallet or zip seal bag that is named. (Lost wallets are handed in every year, complete with money, and this helps us return them to their owner). Younger students should hand their spending money to their teachers for safe keeping in the morning.
Parents and whanau are welcome to attend. Here are some photos from previous Mini Galas to give new families an idea of how this works:
SBS Values Superstars
Every second week, when we don’t have a Full School Assembly, we have a Values Assembly. These are our “family meetings” and we talk about our values, how we can look after ourselves and each other, how we live our values and have fun! At these assemblies, students are nominated for acknowledgement, and get to take care of our special stuffed animals. Here are today’s students who were acknowledged:
· Madley Bear – ICT: Violet and Simon. For always helping others when on the ChromeBooks: Mrs Walker
· Shelley Armadillo – Good work: Isaac R. For always working hard in Kahikatea 1 : Mrs Sands
· Hoiho Penguin-Environmental: Alex, Pax, Magnus, Dante, Jake. For picking up rubbish every morning before school: Mrs Walker
· Jo-jo-Behaviour: Josh B and Daniel T. For being focused and working hard to complete work on time: Mr Howson
· Keana Kiwi-Values: Kase. He is always living his values, helps others and has great behaviour: Mrs Morley
Inter School Swimming Zone Day
We took a team of swimmers to Mahu College today for Interschool Swimming. They were competitive, supportive and great representatives of our school.
Special acknowledgement must go to the following students for outstanding success:
Mahurangi East KIDS Fishing Competition Fundraiser – Run by the SBS PTA

Are you interested in the performing arts? Do you need a space in which to practise your singing solo, dance routine or magic act? Then come and join the PA Club, held in the Hall every Wednesday at lunchtime for Years 4-6 students. Come with an idea of what you would like to practise and we’ll give you the space and the time. Sign up sheet is outside of Rata 1. For further information, or questions, please contact Mrs Jess Supernault in Rātā 1.
School Sharing Garden
Dear Snells Beach Whānau
The vegetables in our school garden have grown well over the summer break and we would like to share them with our community. At the moment we have pumpkins, spring onions and baby tomatoes outside the school office in the sharing pantry. Pātaka Kai, which means storehouse or pantry in te reo Māori, is a place where people can leave food for other people to take for free.
The idea surrounding this sharing pantry is “take what you need, leave what you can”. So if you have excess fruit on your trees like lemons, apples, figs etc or crops in your garden, consider placing them in our sharing pantry for others to enjoy.
Bottle Caps Please!
Did you know that you can’t put bottle tops (off milk etc) into the recycling any more? It’s ok – we would like them please! Any colours or sizes, but plastic please. Drop them into the office or Rātā 2.
Keeping in touch – communication is key
In current times more that ever, keeping in touch is important. We need to be able to contact whanau quickly and efficiently. If you have changed address or contact details, please let us know asap, either via email admin@snellsbeach.school.nz, or by calling the school office 09 425 6058.
- Following our school Facebook page or Instagram
“Snells Beach School”, which operate as a digital newsletters. This is a great way to get quick updates and reminders. We post reminders and notices on Facebook – Instagram is more quick updates and snapshots of school life
- Downloading our School App
Simply download the “Skool Loop” app from either App Store or Play Store & select “Snells Beach School” from the drop down box to receive instant notifications & reminders. This is an effective way to get immediate notices – they will pop up direct to your phone. Mahurangi College use the same app which is useful – just use the drop down box to change schools.
- Subscribing to our school email database
Please email us admin@snellsbeach.school.nz to be added to the list. If you do not receive this newsletter via email on Friday afternoon, you are NOT in our database. All new families should have been added – please check. You can unsubscribe at any time.
- School Newsletters
We do not usually print newsletters– just the first one each term while people update their contact details if needed. They are emailed out or linked to our school Facebook page. School newsletters come out once a fortnight – teachers may send home additional class or team messages at other times.
- Staff Emails
All SBS staff emails are available via our website. Our main email is admin@snellsbeach.school.nz
After School Activities
Snells Beach Netball
Please register via sporty, the link below
Please register and pay no later than by the 22nd of March.
Calling out to any older siblings, coaches and managers who would like to refresh their netball rules for the season.
(Year 5 & 6 games are umpired by Kiwi Whistlers). See attached form for more info on an umpiring workshop coming up this Saturday, 23rd March 20245.
more info: www.sporty.co.nz/
Performing arts
Coding Lessons
Community event
School Holiday activities
Stencil, Screenprint, Stitch .
Fun, creative School Holiday Workshop, inspired by nature. Sessions are 2.5 hours long, offered twice daily.
Learn from skilled tutors how to:
-Design stencils to create your own silk screen printed t-shirt and / or bag.
-Stencil and stitch beautiful decorative patches
Age : 7-14years.
Cost: $49pp (-family discounts available)
Venue: Charlies Gelato, (Gallery Space), Sharps Road, Matakana
Choose your – Date 15th -26th April
– Day -any weekday except ANZAC day
–Time: 10am-12.30pm OR 1.30pm-4pm
Online bookings and more info www.iatextiledesign.co.nz/post/school-holiday-programmes
mob 0212636064
Local businesses