Tēnā Koutou, Talofa Lava, Malo e Lelei, Namaste, Ni sa bula, Noaia’e mauri, Fakalofa lahi atu, Kia Orana, Ni Hao, An Nyung Ha Sai Yo, Nay Ho, Hej, Hallo, Sawat Dee, Cześć, Goeie Dag, សួស្តី, Здравствуйте, hola, 안녕하세요Greetings to our school families.
It’s starting to feel like we are really getting into our groove now, with teaching and learning programmes well underway and planning for big school events happening. Please keep an eye out next week for details about a Literacy Information Evening for parents and whanau on Weds 13 March. There always seems to be a stream of inconsistent and incorrect information in the media about what schools teach. Come along and find out what actually goes on, and how you can support your children in their learning.
Winter activities are starting to ramp up in preparation also – please check the bottom of this newsletter, and our Facebook page, for all sorts of sports and activities that your child might like to register for.
Ngā mihi nui,
Kathryn Ramel
School Diary
Week 6: 4 Mar – 8 Mar
- Weds 6.3 Year 5 Camp Parent Meeting, 5.15pm Nikau 2
- Fri 8.3 Cultural Friday Practices (Kapa Haka & Cultural Group). Pizza/Juicies Lunch
Week 7: 11 Mar – 15 Mar
- Wed 13.3 Literacy Information Evening for parents & whanau – more info to come
- Thurs 14.3 Inter School Swimming – Year 4-6 competitive students only
- Friday 15.3 Whole School Assembly, Pizza/Juicies Lunch
Week 8: 18 Mar – 22 Mar
- Tues 19.3 Fun Rugby Skills Sessions with North Harbour Rugby, Year 5 Girls Rugby Session 9.00am – 10.00am, Year 6 Girls Rugby Session 10.00am – 11.00am
- Fri 22.3 Cultural Friday Practices (Kapa Haka & Cultural Group). Pizza/Juicies Lunch
Welcome to our new students – we hope you enjoy your time at our school!
Caden D, Ruby H and Kaea S
Congratulations to our 2024 School Council!
Are you interested in the performing arts? Do you need a space in which to practise your singing solo, dance routine or magic act? Then
come and join the PA Club, held in the Hall every Wednesday at lunchtime for Years 4-6 students. Come with an idea of what you would
like to practise and we’ll give you the space and the time. Sign up sheet is outside of Rata 1. For further information, or questions, please contact Mrs Jess Supernault in Rātā 1.

School Sharing Garden
Dear Snells Beach Whānau
The vegetables in our school garden have grown well over the summer break and we would like to share them with our community. At the moment we have pumpkins, spring onions and baby tomatoes outside the school office in the sharing pantry. Pātaka Kai, which means storehouse or pantry in te reo Māori, is a place where people can leave food for other people to take for free.
The idea surrounding this sharing pantry is “take what you need, leave what you can”. So if you have excess fruit on your trees like lemons, apples, figs etc or crops in your garden, consider placing them in our sharing pantry for others to enjoy.
Strategic Aims Feedback – A Message from the SBS Board
Thanks for those who took the time either via the link in the last newsletter (& via your emails), or in person, to provide feedback on the Board’s Strategic Aims. This was overwhelmingly supportive. Two points suggested which the Board will be acting on are:
- using individual texts to notify parents in case of Emergency Closure (eg: Bomb Threat), as well as our usual avenues of communication. We try to push the same messages through multiple streams of communication: app, email, Facebook etc to contact people as quickly as we can. Text is a very expensive option (schools pay per text), but in those extreme circumstances, we will add this in as well.
- the purchase of some “old school” type climbing frames for the Middle School kids in particular, to use. SBS staff repeatedly ask kids not to swing on the handrails heading down between Manawa & Puriri Blocks but, well, kids love swinging on rails! So we will provide an alternative place to do this that is not over the concrete.
Junior School Swimming/Water Confidence
What a great summer we have had for swimming! We love teaching our kids to have fun, but be safe, in our local environment. As locals, it’s so easy to overlook how beautiful our nearby beaches are. We wanted to say a huge thank you to all parents and whanau who have come along to assist with our junior swimming and water confidence programme. Our Middle School students will have swimming lessons in a pool with instructors in Term 4 & our Senior Students do Water Safety & Survival in Term 4 also.
Reminder: Year 5 Camp Meeting 2024
We’ve scheduled a meeting time for all Year 5 parents to go over all things Year 5 Camp. This will be in Nikau 2 from 5.15pm next Wednesday 6 March.
Bottle Caps Please!
Did you know that you can’t put bottle tops (off milk etc) into the recycling any more? It’s ok – we would like them please! Any colours or sizes, but plastic please. Drop them into the office or Rātā 2.
Keeping in touch – communication is key
In current times more that ever, keeping in touch is important. We need to be able to contact whanau quickly and efficiently. If you have changed address or contact details, please let us know asap, either via email admin@snellsbeach.school.nz, or by calling the school office 09 425 6058.
- Following our school Facebook page or Instagram
“Snells Beach School”, which operate as a digital newsletters. This is a great way to get quick updates and reminders. We post reminders and notices on Facebook – Instagram is more quick updates and snapshots of school life
- Downloading our School App
Simply download the “Skool Loop” app from either App Store or Play Store & select “Snells Beach School” from the drop down box to receive instant notifications & reminders. This is an effective way to get immediate notices – they will pop up direct to your phone. Mahurangi College use the same app which is useful – just use the drop down box to change schools.
- Subscribing to our school email database
Please email us admin@snellsbeach.school.nz to be added to the list. If you do not receive this newsletter via email on Friday afternoon, you are NOT in our database. All new families should have been added – please check. You can unsubscribe at any time.
- School Newsletters
We do not usually print newsletters– just the first one each term while people update their contact details if needed. They are emailed out or linked to our school Facebook page. School newsletters come out once a fortnight – teachers may send home additional class or team messages at other times.
- Staff Emails
All SBS staff emails are available via our website. Our main email is admin@snellsbeach.school.nz
After School Activities
Performing arts
Coding Lessons
Community events
Seaweek events at the Mahurangi East Library
Local businesses