Tēnā Koutou, Talofa Lava, Malo e Lelei, Namaste, Ni sa bula, Noaia’e mauri, Fakalofa lahi atu, Kia Orana, Ni Hao, An Nyung Ha Sai Yo, Nay Ho, Hej, Hallo, Sawat Dee, Cześć, Goeie Dag, សួស្តី, Здравствуйте. Greetings to our school families.
The Living Values Programme is central to everything we do here at school. We recognise 12 values, and each term we deeply explore one, what it looks like, what it feels like, and why it is important to us and others around us. Students are encouraged to “live our values” daily, and this forms a key role in our positive behaviour management system, school wide. We believe in the importance of building character – everyone can learn to be a better person, no matter how young or old. This term our value is:
Happiness Harikoa
Hurihia to aroaro ki te ra tukuna to atarangi kia taka ki muri i a koe – turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you
When you are managing behaviour at home, you may like to use the same 3 questions we ask when incidents occur. This will add to better understanding, and consistency between home and school. We ask children to ask themselves:
What was I doing? Why was I asked to stop?
What should I have been doing? Was I living our values?
What am I going to do to make it right? What value could I use?
Good luck and thank you – we are all in this together.
Nga mihi nui,
Kathryn Ramel
Weekly Diary
Week 6: 9 Mar – 13 Mar
- Weds 11.3 Inter School Swimming Zone Day – Mahurangi College
- Fri 13.3 Whole School Assembly 2:10pm
Week 7: 16 Mar – 20 Mar
Week 8: 23 Mar – 27 Mar
- Weds 25.3 BOT Meeting 6:30pm in the Boardroom
- Fri 27.3 Whole School Assembly, 2:10pm .
Welcome to our new students – we hope you enjoy your time at our school
Roman F and Ayla N

- We are centrally located in Warkworth, and specialise in repairs and upgrades on most mobile devices, from tablets to iPads to phones and MacBooks.
- Ask about our priority repair service, 1 hour turn around on most phones, and either a 3 day or 24 hour turn around on other devices.
- We don’t recommend repairs that aren’t needed and we offer a 12 month warranty on all the parts we do fit.
- We can also assist you in deciding which is the best device for BYOD, and our advice is free and unbiased.
- We are excited to announce a “Snells Beach School Community Discount” – don’t forget to ask for this special discount when enquiring about a repair.
- high resolution “main scene” photos (must be landscape orientation), and
- smaller (taken with a cell phone etc) pics of kids and families enjoying our local environment.
Please email Marissa Bale in the office at mbale@snellsbeach.school.nz
Year 5 Camp Mangawhai
Our Year 5 Campers have had a busy, challenging and fun time at Mangawhai this week. They have kayaked, Stand up Paddle boarded, swum, surfed and visited Te Ao Marama Marae at Te Hana. We consider camps a hugely important experience for kids, and put much time into planning and preparing them. Camps are fun, but more importantly they are empowering – we want SBS students to know that it is ok to feel apprehensive about facing new challenges, and that they can overcome them. For some the challenge is staying away from home, for others it’s stepping off the flying fox platform, or being in the surf. Kids come back different from camps – they are closer as a group, and more confident in what they have individually achieved. Huge thank you to the parents and teachers who make camps happen.
Kauri 1 Jellybean Trees
Kauri 1, one of our New Entrant classes read a book which mentioned jelly beans growing into jelly bean trees. This led to an inquiry where they planted jellybeans and waited in anticipation for their jelly bean trees to grow. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, no jelly bean seedlings had appeared, but the other bean seeds they used as a comparison had grown into healthy plants. This morning Mrs Davies, and the students of Kauri 1 got out the hammer and saw and built a new planter box to transplant the bean plants into. Great work team!
SBS Saturday Hockey 2020
Yay! We have found a new coordinator – this is great news. Hockey can be played by all students from Years 1 – 6. Games are held on Saturday mornings at the Hockey turf by the Rugby Club/Showgrounds in Warkworth. Practices here after school. Please see the poster below for important details – players must register online.
Snells Beach Saturday Netball Teams 2020
“Netball Have a Go afternoon” Monday 9th March at on the netball courts straight after school, finished by 4.15pm
Netball for all students (girls and boys) from year 1 – 6. Games and skills tailored to age group.
Games held on Saturday mornings at Wellsford, practices here after school on Monday or Thursdays depending on team.
Come along, we would also love some parent helpers.
If you can’t make Monday but your kid is keen to pay, or for more information contact Jean Vegar 021827756 or jean.vegar@gmail.com