Tēnā Koutou, Talofa Lava, Malo e Lelei, Namaste, Ni sa bula, Noaia’e mauri, Fakalofa lahi atu, Kia Orana, Ni Hao, An Nyung Ha Sai Yo, Nay Ho, Hej, Hallo, Sawat Dee, Cześć, Goeie Dag, សួស្តី. Greetings to our school families.
A huge thank you to everyone for working together to keep our kids safe by using our new Kea Crossing on Dawson Road. Please remember – if you run across the road with them, they will run across when you are not there!
Please note, this will be our last full print run of the newsletter – if you would like to still receive a paper copy, let us know, otherwise please email us to join our email database, or follow us on Facebook.
Nga mihi nui,
Kathryn Ramel, Principal
Weekly Diary
Week 4: 24 Feb – 28 Feb
- Tues 25.2 Junior & Senior School Swimming – Leaving 9:00am
- Tues 25.2 School Council Speeches, 1:30pm in the Hall
- Weds 26.2 Junior& Senior School Swimming -Leaving 9:00am
- Thurs 27.2 Junior School ONLY Swimming -Leaving 9:30am
- Fri 28.2 Senior School ONLY Swimming -Leaving 10:00am
- Fri 28.2 Pizza Lunch Day
- Fri 28.2Whole School Assembly – School Council Announced 2:10pm
Week 5: 2 Mar – 6 Mar
- Wed 4.3 Year 5 Camp Mangawhai
- Thurs 5.3 Year 5 Camp Mangawhai
- Fri 6.3 Year 5 Camp Mangawhai
Week 6: 9 Mar – 13 Mar
- Weds 11.3 Inter School Swimming Zone Day – Mahurangi College
- Fri 13.3 Whole School Assembly 2:10pm
Welcome to our new students – we hope you enjoy your time at our school!
Desmond DaBro, Zara Turner, Soren Winchester, Braxton Edwards, Caitlyn White, Sophie Cruickshank, Maximo Castro, Tony Castro, Jayden Petersen
The Great SBS Meet and Greet 2020!
A huge thank you to everyone who popped down to our annual meet and greet at Snells Beach last night. I think we can officially call that a record turnout! We work with little people, not numbers – relationships are central to everything we do. It is so important for our teachers to meet the families of the children they work with, and equally important for families to meet each other. It was particularly wonderful to see so many of our new families getting involved last night – we hope you feel more at home. Welcome to SBS!
Meet “Piper” the Tunnel Boring Machine
Our Middle School students at the end of 2019 were asked to think of a name for the Tunnel Boring Machine, which will be used to create the tunnel for the Waste Water Project running along Mahurangi East Road. Celeste from McConnell Dowell came in with representatives from WaterCare to explain how the machine would work, and to collect handprints from every Year 3 & 4 student to be emblazoned on it. Huge congratulations to Zoey B, Autumn H, Max M B, Laticia L and Milly C who chose the name “Piper”, by which the machine will now be known. Last week they were invited on a special trip to see Piper on the job – thank you to Mrs Young for supervising.
Sporting Notices:
SBS Saturday Netball 2020
“Netball Have a Go afternoon” Monday 9th March at on the netball courts straight after school, finished by 4.15pm.
Netball is for all students (girls and boys) from year 1 – 6. Games and skills tailored to age group. Games are held on Saturday mornings at Wellsford, practices here after school on Monday or Thursdays depending on team. Come along, we would also love some parent helpers. If you can’t make Monday but your kid is keen to play, or for more information contact Jean Vegar 021827756 or jean.vegar@gmail.com
SBS Saturday Hockey 2020
Hockey can be played by all students from Years 1 – 6. Games are held on Saturday mornings at the Hockey turf by the Rugby Club/Showgrounds in Warkworth. Practices here after school. Carrie MacMillan has been the Snells Beach Co-Ordinator for this, but will be standing down this year as her children are playing other codes. Are YOU willing to take on an organisational role for hockey – Carrie is happy to pass on her knowledge. carriefmac@gmail.com or 0211146266. It would be a huge shame not to have teams entered this year – SBS has a proud tradition in Hockey.
Rodney Rams Junior League
Registrations are open now for junior League. Pop along to the Juniors Open Days Weds 4 & 11 March, 4:30pm – 6:00pm, Goodall Reserve, Snells Beach. See pic for more details:
Mahurangi Junior Rugby Club Registration
Registration days: Thurs 27th Feb 4-7pm & Sat 29th Feb 11am-1pm. All welcome, boys & girls, Rippa rugby (non-contact) for ages 4-7 and Quick Rip for girls and boys of all ages; tackle rugby for ages 8-13. Free t-shirt with each paid registration (‘early-bird’ fees are $85 if paid on registration days, otherwise $95/player). Details on www.mahurangirugbyclub.co.nz
Talbot Dance Academy – Snells Beach Classes
Come and give it a go! At the Mahurangi Hall (Next to the Library at Snells Beach). Jazz Dance Classes with a JDNZ registered teacher. Classes for 4 – 11 year olds. See pic for further info. For further enquiries or information go to the website www.talbotdanceacademy.co.nz
Warkworth Football Club
Register now for the 2020 Football season at mycomet.co.nz For more information visit www.warkworthfootball.co.nz
Mahurangi Gymnastics Club
Spaces are available in Mahurangi Gymnastics all classes. 5yrs+.
Recreation, Free G,(a mix of Parkour and Streetrunning), Tumbling/Tramp. Please see their website for more information and registrations. www.mahugym.co.nz