Tena Koutou, Talofa Lava, Malo e Lelei, Namaste, Ni sa bula, Noaia’e mauri, Fakalofa lahi atu, Kia Orana, Ni Hao, An Nyung Ha Sai Yo, Nay Ho, Hej, Hallo, Sawat Dee. Greetings to our school families.
Wow- it’s the end of Term 3 already…..how did that happen?! There are a lot of tired people in our school family at the moment – kids and staff alike have been hammered by the usual winter illnesses, and like always, it’s been a busy term. I sat in an assembly the other day, looking at a sea of tired eyes, thankful that a break was on the horizon. But what a term it has been! Our school family has continued to grow and we have successfully navigated our annual events of Cross Country, Speeches and the Sport Zone Days. Classes have ventured out on trips, and got involved in hands on learning. Students have shone in the performing arts in Kapa Haka and PAC. The atmosphere at last week’s disco was a personal highlight for me – big kids, little kids, adult kids 🙂 all having a blast together. What our school stands for in a snapshot. Have a safe, happy, and restful holiday everyone!
Nga mihi nui,
Kathryn Ramel
Weekly Diary
School Holidays Monday 1 October – Friday 19 October
School Office Open for Enrolments, Uniform etc Week 2 0f Holidays (Tues 9 Oct – Fri 12 Oct, 9am – 3pm)
Week 1: 15 Oct – 19 Oct
- Mon 15.10 Â Â Â Â First day Term 4
- Tues 16.10 Â Â Â Â Junior School Royal Jelly Performance in the hall
- Weds 17.10 Â Â Class Photos with Tanja Dove
- Weds 17.10 Â Â BOT Meeting 6:30pm in the hall
- Thurs 18.10 Â Â Year 3 & 4 Swimming at Mahurangi College
- Thurs 18.10 Â Â Indiv Photos & Staff Photo with Tanja Dove
- Thus 18.10 Â Â Â Â 9:30am Big Shakeout Exercise www.shakeout.govt.nz/how.schools
- Fri 19.10 Full School Assembly 2:10pm. Patrols Certificates. Man 1 presenting
Week 2: 22 Oct – 26 Oct
Mon 22.10 Â Â Â Â Labour Day
- Thurs 25.10 Â Â Year 3 & 4 Swimming at Mahurangi College
Week 3: 20 Oct – 2 Nov
- Tues 30.10 Trap n Technology display in the hall (3 – 6pm)
- Wed 31.10 Trap n Technology – for whole school viewing (in hall)
- Thurs 1.11 Â Â Â Â Â Year 3 & 4 Swimming at Mahurangi College
- Fri 2.11 Full School Assembly 2:10pm. Wet Day Monitors Certificates.Â
Welcome to our new student – we hope you enjoy your time at our school!
Lilly Sharp – Kau 1
We are very proud of our students who have lived their values all term:
These are always some of the hardest awards to select – so many great kids, so many special moments. Well done to the following students who have demonstrated our values to the highest level this term:
- Kau 1: Arran E, Fern Y
- Kau 2: Maniha B-R, Sylvie M
- Nik 2: Jacob P, Levi P
- Kah 1: Brodie C, Kyia L
- Kah 2: Lsabel B, April H
- Man 1: Dove E, Dillon G
- Man 2: Emmerson J, Nevaeh M
- Pur 1: Maia McG, Callum W
- Pur 2: Tulua H, Micaiah P
- Nik 1: Seila F, Sarah S
- Tot 1: Adam A, Gemma P
- Tot 2: Neda F, Macy R-S
Term Key Competency Awards:
The Key Competencies are skills that people need to be successful in life. This term’s focus was: Kataea me Whaiwahitanga Participating and Contributing. It’s about be prepared to get stuck in and have a go. As George Mallory said, these are the students who would climb Mt Everest “because it was there”.
- Kau 1 – Helena H, Locky T
- Kau 2 – Judah D, Solange I
- Nik 2 – Capri H, Tiara H
- Kah 1 – Kayden C, Lili-Mae K
- Kah 2 – Sofia B, Jayden K
- Man 1 – Elsa S, Zara T
- Man 2 – Charlotte A, Braxton M
- Pur 1 – Royston B, Aurora F,
- Pur 2 – Clemmie H, Leigh T
- Nik 1 – Elijah H, Holly W
- Tot 1 – Zac G, Austin N
- Tot 2 – Bella C, Ezra M
Inter School Speeches 2018 – a SBS Champion
Most adults would struggle to stand in front of an audience of a few hundred people they don’t know and speak. We were incredibly proud of Cayden Steffener, Macy Ramel-Spain and Jonny Chapman for representing us at the recent Inter School Speech Competition, held in Warkworth. They each did an outstanding job, and were real contenders in a close competition this year. Huge congratulations to Jonny Chapman for being announced the overall winner for 2018 – a fantastic effort!
ICAS – Academic Excellence in English
ICAS is a international competition in a range of academic areas, sat by students in schools across New Zealand, Australia, Asia and the South Pacific. Students compete against others in their same age group.This year a large number of our students sat the challenging test in English and Maths – we have only received the English results to date. Outstanding results were achieved by:
Year 4:
- Selena C. High Distinction – top 1% of participants
- Charlotte P. Credit –Â top 18% of participants
- Phineas P-B. Credit – top 25% of participants
- Aurora F. Merit – top 39% of participants
- Royston B. Merit – top 44% of participants
Year 5:
- Anthony F. Distinction – top 11% of participants
- Isabella B. Credit – top 21% of participants
- Liana D. Merit – top 37% of participants
Year 6:
- Macy R-S. Distinction – top 4% of participants
- Jacob W. Credit – top 26% of participants
- Carlos C-L. Credit – top 26% of participants
- Annika B. Credit – top 26% of participants
- Gemma P. Credit – top 32% of participants
- Aria W. Merit – top 37% of participants
- Acacia T. Merit – top 37% of participants
- Ezra M. Merit – top 42% of participants
- Austin N. Merit – top 42% of participants
Successful Battery Fundraiser
Huge thanks to Anna from Go Get It Fundraising, for organising our PTA Battery Fundraiser for 2018. We were delighted to see that just over $3400 was raised for our school – what a huge achievement! Prizes draw at assembly today for all students who sold a box.
PTA Crazy Hair Disco
What a night the disco proved to be! Crazy hair, brilliant dance moves and an exhausted candy floss machine! Huge thanks go to the PTA for their hard work organising this, and all the parents who stepped in on the night on the BBQ’s, glow stick stands, pack up etc. We were stunned to raise almost $1600. More than anything, it was a fantastic family event, and such a nice night to be part of – thank you to everyone who came to enjoy it. Special mention must go to:
Knows How To Get A Party Started Award –Â DJ Triple M (Mere Male Morley)
MC Hammer Breakdance Award – Mr Port (see us for contributions to his chiropractic bill)
Best Hair – Boy – Ethan G
Best Hair – Girl – Arabella P
Amazing Poets
Kaylee G and Bianca K blew us away with their poetry this term – it is very hard to remember that they are only Year 3! Their poems represent their personalities so well – Kaylee’s bright and bubbly outlook, and Bianca’s deep thinking and love for animals. Enjoy their writing below:
IÂ Rode a Rainbow Unicorn by Kaylee
I rode a rainbow unicorn
We sailed across the sky
I fed him lots of skittles
Since they always made him fly
We took off like a comet
On a long and graceful flight
And whenever the people stopped
They would marvel at the sight
His path was bright and colourful
It sparkled, shimmered and shined
As he raced across the clouds
Shooting rainbows from behind.
Ban 1080 by Bianca
New Zealand is supposed to be pure and green
But what you’re doing is really mean
You want to get rid of the possums and rats
So you teach all us children how to set traps
But other than that
You use poison as well
It’s destroying our ecosystem
Can’t you tell
And it’s not just the pests that you manage to kill
It’s everything on the land and in the rivers you make ill
You say it’s because the native birds need protecting
But it’s these very birds that you are infecting
One hundred thousand dollars for death of kea is the fine
When exactly will you be paying for your crime
We all want to live and enjoy our land
So together it’s time we all make a stand
Department of Conservation
Stop being shady
And Ban 1080
Bianca King
8-week Learn to sail course at Algies Bay.
Sundays (8.30am-12.30pm):    14 Oct–9 Dec 2018 & 10 Feb-31 Mar 2019
More info and application form:Â www.sandspit.org.nz
Local Pilates Classes
Mat classes. Adults and students. Snells Beach Baptist Church, Wednesdays at 6pm. $11 cash per class. Bring a mat Ph Sue 027 697 5921